Featured Patient
Our beautiful patient came to our office with a congenital nasal-septal deviation that was causing her nasal tip to lean to her right. This was associated with a long, wide nasal appearance and a profile bump. These photos are 1 YEAR following septo-rhinoplasty surgery. You can see a straighter, less distracting, and better breathing nose.
Patient Review:
“One word to describe Dr Eric Joseph, AMAZING, but even that would be an understatement. Dr Joseph and his staff and truly incredible people. They made me feel so comfortable moving forward with my surgery. If I had a question at any given moment, they were always available, ( even though some of my questions were a bit foolish). I used to be extremely insecure and self conscious about my nose, I had a deviated septum and a hump on my bridge. I even went so far as to hide it in pictures. However that changed after my surgery. I'm a year in and I am so very grateful for my new nose, I absolutely love it. He has given me my confidence back and I will forever be grateful. Dr. Joseph and his staff, they are truly one of a kind. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone!”