Eric M. Joseph, MD | Morpheus8 Microneedling Appointment

Morpheus8 Microneedling

Mprpheus8 Microneeedling

Exclusively offered by Diana at Esthetika Med Spa and Eric M. Joseph, Morpheus8 is a safe and effective treatment option that utilizes radio frequency technology to give your face, neck, and body a youthful appearance. Morpheus8 is an ideal treatment option if you would like to improve your facial appearance without undergoing laser or surgical procedures. All treatments performed at Esthetika in Livingston, NJ with Morpheus8 are customized, depending on your condition and your goals. Fractionated radio frequency energy is delivered to your skin and underlying fat with microneedling technology for significant wrinkle reduction, skin tightening, and fat reduction. A series of 3 treatments is scheduled with Diana at 6-8 week intervals. Downtime is minimal, and patient satisfaction is very high. Common areas that Diana at Esthetika Med Spa treats using Morpheus8 include the following:

  • Jowling

  • Loose skin and wrinkles on the cheeks, around the mouth, and neck

  • Nasolabial folds and wrinkles 

  • Under eye bags, brinkles, and crow's feet

  • Forehead wrinkles

  • Acne scarring 

  • Arm wrinkles and excess fat

  • Knee skin wrinkles

  • Stubborn Abdominal fat

The Morpheus8 Procedure

Morpheus8 treatments are performed at Esthetika Med Spa with either topical or local anesthetic. The procedure is performed using the following steps:

  • A topical numbing cream is applied to the area(s) to be treated before you come.

  • Dr. Joseph will offer local anesthetic, dilute lidocaine injections with a microneedles which enables Diana to use adequate radiofrequency energy to melt your fat and tighten your skin.

  • A handpiece with 24 gold coated microneedles is placed on your skin, and this technology allows the radiofrequency energy to be delivered precisely to different layers of your skin.

  • Facial and neck treatments typically deliver energy at depths between 1-4 millimeters, and abdomen treatments may go as deep as 8mm to melt unwanted fat. 

  • You will look like you have a sunburn immediately after your facial Morpheus8 treatment, and normal social activities are typically resumed the same day with no post-treatment pain.  

  • 24-48 hours later you can apply fresh makeup and sunscreen.


Non-surgical lower eye lid rejuvenation with Morpheus8 after one treatment

Morpheus8 Results

You will notice that your face looks younger after your procedure. Total healing from your treatment is longer than a month, so we recommend treatment intervals be longer than 6 weeks. During that period, your skin's collagen tightens and you see unwanted fat melt away. Six weeks after your treatment, you will see your final results, and three treatments are necessary for achieving a final result.

Is Morpheus8 right for me?

If you are a man or woman over 35 with concerns about skin wrinkles, or excess fatty deposits under your skin, you may be a candidate. Morpheus8 allows us to treat all skin types - even if your skin is dark brown. You need to adhere to strict sun avoidance after your treatments. The best way for you to determine if you are candidates for Morpheus8 is to visit Diana at Esthetika Med Spa for a consultation.

Morpheus8 FAQ

How does Morpheus8 work?

Morpheus8 works by delivering fractionated radio frequency energy to heat your facial skin and underlying fat. This leads to neocollagenesis and fat melting for reduced wrinkles and a youthful appearance. 

How many Morpheus8 treatments will I need?

The number of Morpheus8 treatments you may require is roughly 3-5. The number of treatments you will require for a desired result depends on what areas are being treated, the color of your skin, and the severity of your condition. When treating thin under eye tissues for tightening, sometimes, only 1 or 2 treatments are required for a permanent improvement. 

Can all the areas of my face be treated with Morpheus8?

Yes! All areas of the face, neck, chest, and body with fine lines, wrinkles, scars and unwanted fat may be treated with Morpheus8.

How can I maximize my results?

Morpheus8 results can be maximized if patients use sunscreen and live a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise.

Can Morpheus8 be used to treat my double chin?

It depends. Morpheus8 is used to tighten facial skin and melt fat. You would be advised at your consultation if Morpheus8 would be right for your excess neck fat, or if you might need a procedure like neck liposuction along with Morpheus8.

What are the risks associated with Morpheus8?

One of the reasons we are thrilled to introduce Morpheus 8 to our practice is that serious complications and problems are exceedingly rare. Bruising is fairly common and fades quickly. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH is unwanted brown skin discoloration) is uncommon but may occur if too much energy is used or if you have sun exposure, or if you are a darker skin type. The risk of a burn is minimized by the use of local anesthetic which helps to protect the upper layers of your skin.

How do I arrange my initial consultation?

Call Esthetika Med Spa at 973-325-1155 to schedule your consultation with Diana. Our knowledgeable staff is available to answer any additional questions you may have and get your appointment scheduled. We look forward to hearing from you soon.