Rhinoplasty Before & After: One Year After Male Rhinoplasty + Septoplasty

Rhinoplasty #263

Our handsome patient is seen one year after functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery. He had nasal obstruction from a deviated nasal septum and from narrowed internal nasal valves on both sides. He was also dissatisfied with the appearance of his nasal profile with his bump and tension lip deformity, and on the front view, he did not like his droopy tip.

The after photos are one year after surgery. His Airway was corrected with septoplasty and bilateral spreader grafts to open up his internal nasal valves. His tension lip deformity was caused by a prominent anterior nasal spine which was removed. His tip was rotated, and his dorsum was reduced. You can see a natural-looking, unoperated, and less distracting nasal appearance.