Revision Rhinoplasty #31
Our beautiful patient is seen one year after complex revision rhinoplasty surgery using MTF (Musculoskeletal Tissue Foundation) rib cartilage. She had a previous rhinoplasty performed by another surgeon about a year before meeting us, during which all useful, graftable cartilage was removed from her nasal septum. The previous surgery resulted in a severely crooked nasal appearance, nostril asymmetry, and nasal obstruction. In our surgery, we deprojected the lower third of her nose and corrected the base of her nasal septum with a left septal extension graft. Her airway was supported with lateral crural strut grafts, which were also used to address her nasal tip asymmetry. Additionally, we placed a columella shoring strut graft for structural support at the nasal tip and narrowed her nostrils. We are so grateful that she has allowed us to share her photos. She now has improved nasal breathing, and her nose appears straighter and more natural, with a less "operated" look.