Revision Rhinoplasty #27
Our lovely patient had a history of previous nasal trauma and previous nasal surgery around 20 years before consulting with us. She did not like her tip appearance, and she felt as though her nasal profile appearance was a "ski slope". She was noted to have a wide nasal bridge appearance and visible dorsal septum. Her nasal tip was pointy and overprojected. She had nasal obstruction from over-resection of tip cartilage at her primary rhinoplasty surgery. Her photos were taken nearly one year after we performed revision rhinoplasty. We closed her "open roof deformity" with osteotomies, and camouflaged her visible dorsal septal cartilage with a septal cartilage onlay graft. Her nasal tip was deprojected and reconstructed with lateral crural extension grafts and a columellar strut graft. You can see a more pleasing and less distracting nasal appearance, and she is breathing better after her nasal valvular reconstruction.