Acne Scar Correction

Acne Scar Correction: Single Treatment to Address Broad-Based Acne Scarring

Acne Scar Correction #16

Our patient was seen before and after a single treatment with microdroplet Silikon-1000 to improve the appearance of broad-based acne scarring. The after photo was taken just before her second, and likely last, treatment. Many patients who visit us for the correction of acne scarring have previously undergone unsuccessful laser procedures and other resurfacing treatments. For many, microdroplet Silikon-1000 injections may be a welcome alternative to costly laser treatments, which are less predictable and may be associated with problematic scarring or changes in skin pigmentation, particularly in individuals with darker skin types.

Acne Scar Correction: Broad-Based and Depressed Acne Scars

Acne Scar Correction #15

This is an excellent example of the precision, permanence, and safety of microdroplet Silikon-1000 injections for treating broad-based, and depressed acne scars. Our lovely international patient came to see us for refractory acne scarring. After photos were taken 15 months following her second treatment with microdroplet Silikon-1000. You can see a smoother cheek appearance on both sides, and this is completely permanent. Procedures are nearly painless, and there is no downtime.

Acne Scar Correction Before & After: Permanently Fill Depressed Scars

Acne Scar Correction #14

We are beyond grateful that our handsome patient has allowed us to post his before and after photos following two treatments with microdroplet Silikon-1000 for permanent Improvement of broad-based and depressed acne scars. Before seeing us, he has had laser treatments and microdroplet Silikon-1000 from three other physicians located in New York City. Before we continued on in his care, the last surgeon to treat him with Silikon-1000 was my mentor, the late, great Dr Jay Barnett.

In our experience, fractionated lasers and other minimally invasive procedures are not always adequate or helpful in addressing people's acne scarring. During our 25 years of experience, patients who are well suited for microdroplet Silikon-1000 treatments for acne scarring end up becoming some of the happiest people that we have cared for.

Patient Review:

Dr. Joseph and his staff are in my opinion the utmost professional and caring. I might add that there does not exist a doctor whom is more experienced in Silikon - 1000 injections. I say this with great conviction, seeing I traveled the eastern states and fell short in my search until I met Dr . Joseph and his awesome staff.

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Acne Scar Correction Before & After: Smoother Facial Contour


Acne Scar Correction #11

If you look at our patient’s central cheek, you can see permanent correction of his broad based, and depressed acne scars. Each scar receives several hundredths of a milliliter of Silikon-1000 to create a flatter, smoother, and more pleasing facial contour.

Acne Scar Correction Before & After: Permanently Fill Depressed Scars


Acne Scar Correction #10

Microdroplet Silikon-1000 treatments were performed to superficially fill our patient’s depressed acne scars. Each scar receives a tiny droplet of silicone that permanently fills the scars and leads to a permanently smoother appearance. This may be the best option for those with darker skin types since lasers and other resurfacing procedures may not be feasible.