Primary Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Straightened Nasal Appearance and Tip Correction

Rhinoplasty #259

Our beautiful patient is seen 7 months following functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery., and one month following upper lip reduction surgery. She had chronic nasal obstruction and she was dissatisfied with her crooked, wide nasal appearance and her bulbous droopy tip. The rhinoplasty techniques we used included a columella strut graft to support her tip, and a left spreader graft to aid in nasal straightening, and bilateral lateral crural strut grafts to support her congenital external nasal valve collapse, and alarplasty to narrow her nostrils. We also performed a turbinate reduction. You can see a narrower nasal appearance in her bridge tip and nostrils, and on profile, you can see that her nasal tip is no longer droopy.

She also has a history of silicone injections to her lips performed elsewhere. He was dissatisfied by her overcorrected and lumpy upper lip appearance. We performed an upper lip reduction surgery in the office with local anesthetic, and one month later, you can see a natural looking upper lip appearance. She has a small bump in her right lower lip that will be addressed soon.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Corrected Crooked Nasal Appearance

Rhinoplasty #258

Our beautiful 36-year-old patient is seen one year following functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery. Before surgery, she had a crooked nasal appearance with collapse of her right internal nasal valve and both external nasal valves. Her nasal obstruction was made worse by enlarged turbinates, and a severely deviated septum. Additionally, she did not like her bulbous droopy tip and her profile hump. We consider this a difficult case because our patient has thin nasal skin. Her breathing issues were repaired using lateral crural strut grafts on both sides, a right spreader graft, septoplasty, and terminate reduction on both sides. You can see a straighter nasal appearance with profile deprojection, a tip lift, and a more feminine and less distracting nasal appearance. Atnd our patient is breathing wonderfully.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Results One Month After Surgery

Rhinoplasty #257

Our handsome 42-year-old gentleman is seen early after rhinoplasty, one month postoperative. He has been dissatisfied with the appearance of his dorsal hump and droopy tip. His repair consisted of hump removal, tip rotation, and tip definition with an extended shield graft. At only one month postoperative, you can see a natural looking and pleasing masculine nasal appearance.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Natural Results With Deviated Septum Correction

Rhinoplasty #256

Our 25-year-old patient is seen 7 months following functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery. He had chronic nasal obstruction from a deviated nasal septum and enlarged turbinates. Additionally he was dissatisfied with his wide nasal appearance, droopy nasal tip appearance, and dorsal hump. His bump was removed, osteotomies were performed, and his tip was repaired using a columella strut graft and an extended shield graft. You can see a completely natural and unoperated appearance, and we are all thrilled with these results.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Creating a Smaller and More Feminine Nose

Rhinoplasty #255

Our beautiful 25 year old patient is seen before and 1-year after rhinoplasty surgery. Goals were to deproject her nasal profile so her nose wouldn't stick out as far as it did, and to create a smaller, more feminine, and less distracting nasal appearance. At her 1-month postoperative follow up visit, we performed a single permanent lip augmentation procedure with microdroplet Silikon-1000.