Primary Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Relieving Chronic Nasal Blockage

Rhinoplasty #224

Our handsome 26 year old patient is seen just over one month after rhinoplasty surgery, and he is thrilled. He had a history of multiple nasal traumas, and he had a deviated nasal septum, and chronic nasal blockage. He was also bothered by his large profile hump and his droopy tip. You can see a natural looking nasal appearance, and his airway was corrected with septoplasty and spreader grafts at the time of his rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: 3 Months After Male Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty #223

Our handsome young man came to our office with both functional and cosmetic concerns about his nose. His airway was obstructed by narrow internal nasal valves, a deviated nasal septum, and enlarged turbinates. His cosmetic concerns were related to his profile nasal appearance. After surgery, he can breathe better, and he has a less distracting, smaller, and masculine nasal appearance. These results are early, only 3 months postoperative.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Wide Tip Reduction

Rhinoplasty #203

Our beautiful 19 year old patient is seen one year after rhinoplasty surgery. She was bothered by her wide tip and nostrils, and she also disliked her profile bump and droopy tip appearance. We utilized an "Extended Shield Graft" to achieve her tip definition and support.