Revision Rhinoplasty Before & After: Smaller Nasal Appearance

Revision Rhinoplasty #11

Our patient was referred to us from a plastic surgeon colleague for evaluation. She was unhappy with her nostril asymmetry, bridge asymmetry, long appearance, and overprotected tip. She initially did not want further surgery and received two permanent non-surgical rhinoplastic treatments with microdroplet Silikon-1000. She also had permanent lip augmentation with Silikon-1000. She later decided that she wanted revision rhinoplasty for tip deprojection, nasal shortening, and a smaller nasal appearance. Microdroplet Silikon-1000 nasal injections neither interfere with nor preclude revision rhinoplasty surgery, when necessary. The after photos were taken four months after her revision surgery.

Revision Rhinoplasty Before & After: Tip-plasty and Nasal Straightening

Revision Rhinoplasty #10

Our patient had prior rhinoplasty elsewhere and she was upset by her crooked nasal appearance and hanging columella which caused excessive nostril show. Her revision surgery included tip-plasty, nasal straightening with osteotomies, a right spreader graft, and a repaired columella. Her after photos were taken six months after her revision surgery.

Revision Rhinoplasty Before & After: Bulbous Droopy Nasal Tip Correction

Revision Rhinoplasty #9

Our lovely patient had primary rhinoplasty performed by another surgeon and she disliked her wide nasal appearance and bulbous droopy nasal tip appearance. You can see a natural-looking, narrower, less droopy, and more feminine nasal appearance. Her photos were posted one year after her revision rhinoplasty.

Revision Rhinoplasty Before & After: Widened Bridge and Pinched Tip Correction

Revision Rhinoplasty #8

Our beautiful patient had rhinoplasty in Pennsylvania and traveled to see us for revision rhinoplasty. She disliked her widened bridge, pinched tip, and overall persistently large nasal appearance. Her revision rhinoplasty included tip-plasty, nasal shortening, tip de-projection, tip rotation, bridge lowering and osteotomies for narrowing. Her after photos were taken one year after her revision surgery.