Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Restored Nasal Tip Symmetry


Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #23

In our experience, microdroplet Silikon-1000 may be the best option to restore nasal tip symmetry and to provide nostril lowering after the previous rhinoplasty. Our patient had rhinoplasty elsewhere and requested a permanent nonsurgical approach for improving her tip symmetry. Her results are permanent and she was glad to avoid further nasal surgery.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Small Dorsal Hump Camouflaged

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #22

Some people are overall happy with their noses, but a small profile bump may be a source of dissatisfaction. These photos demonstrate permanent nonsurgical rhinoplasty with microdroplet Silikon-1000 for permanently camouflaging the appearance of a small dorsal hump. Our patient required three treatments.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Straighter Nasal Appearance


Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #21

Our beautiful patient was bothered by the crooked appearance of her nose after rhinoplasty surgery performed elsewhere. She also requested permanent and natural-looking lip augmentation. The versatility of Silikon-1000 enabled us to provide a straighter nasal appearance and fuller lips.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Improved Nasal Bossae

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #19

Our beautiful patient was bothered by the appearance of her nose after rhinoplasty surgery was performed elsewhere. When she presented for a consultation, she was noted to have a large nasal septal perforation, and she did not want to consider revision rhinoplasty with ear cartilage grafting. Microdroplet Silikon-1000 was used to improve her nasal bossae and improve her tip symmetry. We also lowered her nostril margins. This has resulted in a more pleasing, less distracting, and improved nasal appearance without the inconvenience or expense associated with revision rhinoplasty surgery.