Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Addressing a Low Nasal Bridge & Nostril Asymmetry

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #52

Our gracious patient traveled across the country to see us for our expertise in microdroplet Silikon-1000 nasal injections. He had undergone two revision rhinoplasty surgeries before we treated him twice. His main concerns were a persistently low nasal bridge, nostril asymmetry, and a pointy, somewhat asymmetrical nasal tip. We achieved a permanently raised bridge and reduced nasal irregularities, which are sometimes indicative of previous nasal surgery. Additionally, we improved his nostril symmetry.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Correction of Vertical Cleft at Nasal Tip

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #51

Our lovely patient was dissatisfied with the appearance of the visible vertical cleft between her nasal tip and lower lateral cartilages, directly along the midline. She was otherwise pleased with the overall appearance of her nose. The after photos demonstrate the results of a single, permanent, non-surgical nose job treatment using microdroplet Silikon-1000. The results are subtle, but upon closer inspection, you can see a marked improvement in the appearance of the cleft. We injected from her columella up to the top of her nasal tip. Our patient is thrilled with the results, and this treatment offers a lovely alternative to rhinoplasty surgery for a relatively common condition, especially in people with thin nasal skin and firm underlying nasal tip cartilages.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Single Treatment Corrects Retracted Nostrils & Pointy Nasal Tip

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #50

Our lovely 32-year-old patient presented to our office with dissatisfaction with the appearance of her nose, 5 years following rhinoplasty surgery performed elsewhere. Her concern was that she saw a sharp edge of bone along her left nasal sidewall, and she did not like the appearance of her retracted nostrils. Utilizing topical anesthetic, microdroplet Silikon-1000 was injected to her left nasal sidewall, both nostril margins, and around her overly pointy nasal tip appearance. Or after photos were taken 2 weeks after her treatment, and she does not appear to need a second treatment as most people do. We are grateful that she has allowed us to post her photos, since a permanent non-surgical nose job treatment may be a welcome alternative to surgery for many people who are appropriate candidates, without the expense, uncertainty, and downtime associated with revision rhinoplasty surgery.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Lower Nostril Margins and Create Nose Symmetry

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #49

Our beautiful patient visited us from Chicago since she was dissatisfied by the appearance of her nasal tip after previous rhinoplasty surgery. She didn’t like that she had a asymmetrical nostril, retraction, and too much nostril show. She was kind enough to send us after photos, three weeks following her micro droplet Silikon - 1000 treatment to permanently lower her nostril margins and to provide a less operated nasal appearance.

Patient Review:

“Dr. Joseph is a Godsend. My travel from Chicago to Jersey was worth every penny, and I researched nationwide. Cannot thank you enough, Dr. J!”

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Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Post Rhinoplasty Nostril Retraction Correction

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #48

Is an excellent example of the treatment of post-rhinoplasty nostril retraction with microdroplet Silikon-1000 injections. Our gracious patient had two rhinoplasties procedures, and the second one was with rib grafting. He was concerned by the excess nostril show that was present on front view, and he did not wish to undergo for the surgery. The after photo is one month following his second treatment with microdroplet Silikon-1000. You can see a less operated nasal tip appearance along with markedly improved symmetry of his nostril margins.