How Do I Know if I’m a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Discovering if you're an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty involves understanding both physical and personal
factors. From assessing your aesthetic goals to discussing medical history with a qualified surgeon, this
video offers insights into the considerations that can help you make an informed decision about rhinoplasty.

Extended Duration of Nasal Dissatisfaction

The number one criterion, in our opinion, that correlates with patient satisfaction after surgery is the duration of dissatisfaction with your nose. We've found that some people have a lot of emotions tied to their nose, making rhinoplasty a deeply personal decision.

In our experience, patients who have experienced severe dissatisfaction with their nasal appearance or function for a prolonged period of time tend to be the happiest with their results. Dissatisfaction can start as early as elementary school; some young ladies tell me they've disliked their noses for as long as they can remember. A long period of dissatisfaction is crucial for a positive outcome. If you've only been considering rhinoplasty surgery for several months, it may not be the best option for you.

Communicating Your Nose Concerns

The second most important factor is whether you can clearly express your nose-related issues to your surgeon, and whether your surgeon agrees that they are fixable.

Sometimes patients will come in and say, "Doctor Joseph, ever since the 6th grade, my nose has been bothering me. You can see I have this large hump, a wide tip that droops when I smile—it's been very distracting for me." It's important to be on the same page as your surgeon, to articulate what's bothering you, and to agree on the fixable issues.

Many of our patients have both cosmetic and functional concerns. As an otolaryngologist, we are meticulous about evaluating nasal breathing. If you're considering both functional and cosmetic surgery, it's often best to have both procedures performed simultaneously.

Managing Realistic Expectations

The third most important quality for a happy patient is having realistic expectations. We perform computer imaging with our patients to give them an idea of what they'll look like after surgery if everything goes well. Patients who like our computer imaging are generally satisfied with their results.

It's important to understand that perfection isn't always achievable; the goal of surgery is improvement in the appearance and function of your nose. We follow our patients closely after surgery to address any minor imperfections that may arise.

Approximately 13% of people who inquire about rhinoplasty surgery have body dysmorphic disorder, a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder. These individuals are obsessed with their noses and may exhibit unusual behaviors. It's crucial to identify this condition before performing surgery.

We follow our patients closely after surgery, discouraging long-distance relationships with their rhinoplasty specialist. The nose remains swollen for a year, and minor tweaks may be necessary during this time.

Medical Conditions

Lastly, it's essential to work with healthy individuals. If you have any medical conditions, special consultations may be required to ensure a speedy recovery and a safe procedure.

If you found this information interesting or have any questions about rhinoplasty surgery, we'd be happy to assist you. Please call us at (973) 325-1155 to schedule an in-person consultation or request a digital consultation at no charge here.